
SONE or Not ?

I'm sure some of you had been seen and heard comment like this :

"If you are a SONE, you should love all 9 of them. Not only only."

While i know where they're coming from. I just can't bring my self to agree with that kind of statement. I understand why they throw that statement though.

I'm sure if you're walking around SNSD's videos on YT or article online, you'll see many variation of these kind of comments :

"I don't like SNSD, they're 'piiiiip', i like Taeyeon though."


"Hate SM and SNSD, I don't like Yoona, because she's always in the center, i like Yuri, she's sexy."

Basically, the similarity of those comments is they're using the other member's name to covering and to tone down their bashing. While some can guess that it might be the work of antis who's pretending to be fans or he/she's really fans of one of the member. Some might think like "Ah, so SONE are not united, bashing each other like this", because people tend to get revenge by bashing member that you like if you bash their favorite. To prevent something like that and to unite all SONEs, some people like making that kind of statement -in the beginning-.

But, i can't help but to feel sad lol. Up until now, I love Taeyeon the most. I never change it, since i'm the type of person who will love what i love and no one can stop me, until i get bored my self. That's what happen with J-pop, Ayumi, BoA, Vic Zhou, Jackie Chan, cartoon, anime, manga, comic, etc.

It would be easier if Taeyeon was IU, solo singer. But it's just happen that Taeyeon is in girl group, with 9 members including her. She was the one who brings me to fandom life, SONE life. I never like a group before, like you can see, Ayumi, BoA, Utada are all solo singer. I love them because of their song, while Taeyeon is different case. I love her as a person.

I kept calling my self SONE proudly in my first months, until i found that comment. Should i really love all of them to be one? So what should i call my self?

My option was, i should just calling my self Taeganger. But then i read comments that's basically say that, liking one is like an antis. Like seriously lol.

I feel like i'm being judge!!! Who are you to judge me!

So while i can understand where they're coming from, i hope people can understand someone like me. If you read fanfic, you might find character said this :

"Love is a strong word."

I can't say i love the other members like how i love Taeyeon. I like them though, and i love them as group, for their friendship. But for member, i can only love one.

This's an illustration:

I see my self as a girlfriend, and my boyfriend (Taeyeon lol) is a football/soccer player. I love my boyfriend a lot, in this case, Taeyeon. He loves soccer, he loves his team. I, as a good girlfriend should support him right. His friend is my friend. But just because they're on same team with my boyfriend, doesn't mean that i should love or like all of them (if i love them then i'm cheating on my BF lol). Some might too cocky, annoying, or smelly for my liking, i have right to not liking them. But they're his friend. I like them, but the one i love is my boyfriend, Taeyeon. I love seeing them playing together, i love seeing my boyfriend happy. What do you think he'll do if he found out that i bash his friends or talking bad about team behind their back? I'll get fired as his girlfriend lol.

From that illustration, i think you can guess where i coming from now.

People have different reason or stories why they became a SONE. Some people started from being an antis/safers. Some people started from being curios, like me. And many more.

Whatever the reason though and whoever you love, you're still a SONE in my opinion if you finally can see their lovable sides and being protective to them. Just don't bash the other girls, like my illustration, the other members are people who's important for your bias. It'll only make them sad if you bash one of them, and even using your bias name to get out of the trouble. Except if you're antis or safer, then you'll care for it.

So yeah, while liking one member is not crime and not so antis like, cause antis don't like all, bashing the other members are different thing.

The advantages of it is, i can give objective opinion about the other girls. While for my boyfriend, i meant Taeyeon, my bias side is much stronger.