TEENAGE magazine
( Dec 2011 issue with the Girls on the cover page )
Taeyeon : Her genuine concern for fellow members & preference to stay out of the limelight show the true Piscean in her. cr: Teenage
Sica : Her inner warmth & humorous ways are that of a typical Aries. Reportedly voted as most quick-tempered by fellow members & Kara.
Sunny : The loving Taurian makes Sunny a member everyone gets along with perfectly.
Fany : True to the personality of a Leo, Tiffany is known for her frankness & confidence, seen in her love for attn & beng in the spotlight.
Hyoyeon : Relatively quiet, Hyo's shy personality matches a typical Virgo, & she's often said to be meticulous and neat.
Yuri : Though outgoing and full of energy, she can be analytical at times as well.
Sooyoung : Her loyalty & concern for fellow members & ability to get along with people are as that of an Aquarian's.
Yoona : Lively & versatile, Yoong has the ability to stand out and get others to open up to her.
Seohyun : She refrains from speaking badly of her older fellow member & is alwiz caring towards them.
cr; @vodkaice9