
What is SONE ?

Question :

" Mr Onion - do you know the etymology of 'Sone'? 소원 is anglicised as 'sowon', so I don't understand where such a translation has come from. When I read it, I mentally pronounce it as a single syllable even though I know it's wrong. "

Answer :

" The girls wanted to call their fans “Honey” [singular] which was the English name for one of the tracks from their first release, “소원 (Honey)” but there was a lot of discussion and they decided to go for the Korean name of the song instead.

It is actually romanised as “So-won” but the same pronunciation would be achieved with “So-one” and the inclusion of “one” seemed more appropriate to something describing a united fandom.

This can be written as “SO ONE” at first and they stylised the graphics so that the two “o”s got together to form a heart ♡ making S♡NE (note that this is different from the ASCII heart ♥ and ♡ is the official character used for S♡NE).

For ease of typing, we use SONE. "

cr; oniontaker