A story of Taeyeon before her debut as a SM Trainee
Before debut, both Taeyeon and Tiffany were SM trainees thus they go in and out of the SMEnt Building frequently.
There is this Taeyeon’s fan who would often go over to the SM company to watch Taeyeon (trainee).
One day, Taeyeon and Tiffany were making there way out of the building (probably after their training).
Taeyeon’s fan ran over to ask for Taeyeon’s signature.
Instead (of signing immediately), Taeyeon pulled the fan aside and whispered softly to the fan.
“Unnie.. My friend together with me is called Tiffany, she is a SM trainee too..”
“After I have given you my autograph, you won’t mind asking for Tiffany’s signature too right?”
Why did she do that?
If Taeyeon is the only one giving her autograph, Tiffany would be hurt.
She was worried that Tiffany, who had just arrived in Korea a few months back, would be hurt.
Thus, Taeyeon politely asked for her fan to help her out.
After her words, the fan understood and asked for Taeny’s autographs.
Taeyeon, the kind and warm soshi leader.
Always looking out for Tiffany, it has been like that since their pre-debut days, and this is also why we love the warm relationship between the two of you (Taeny)
Source from 火树银花
cr: 床单 @ Oh-TaeNy.com
English Translations by qiz_onli@soshified taeny thread
If you want to see the Korean/Chinese/English trans : http://www.twitlonger.com/show/9n6hhl cr: avabianca@twitter , im0jewel@twitter
2008 Fanaccounts
So taeyeon loves kimbap so her mom always made her kimbap to eat.
But sica hates the cucumber so she would take them out and put them on taeyeon's plate.
And then taeyeon would say "look how many kimbaps i ate!!!" because there would be a stack of cucumbers on her plate.
And then one time, her mom put 깻잎 on the kimbap and then sooyoung refused to eat it because she doesnt like 깻잎.
And tiffany always asks the mom to make her cheese kimbap.
and taeyeon's mom tells LOTS of stories about taeyeon and tiffany
[INTERVIEW] Thai Channel [V]
Tiffany, being so far away from home, do you feel homesick at all? And how is your Korean now?
Tiffany : Right now, I'm not feeling like I'm far away from home because this is my home now. I felt homesick sometimes in the beginning. Taeyeon knows. If it wasn't our dorm, I wouldn't feel at home at all. But now, this place has become my home. It was rough at first but I wanted to chase my dreams, so I just had to focus on work. As for my Korean...
Taeyeon : 100 points!
Tiffany : No way... But I'm studying hard.
Taeyeon : Try harder.
Tiffany : Yeah, I'm trying.
Taeyeon : She's MC-ing now too, so she's getting better, getting more natural.
Tiffany : It has to be better than before. Now, I'd give myself 55 ponits. I'm studying hard and I also get some help from my friends and sunbaes.
cr : trivium@SoShifanclub And Channal [V] Eastreet
Translate From Clip By : trivium@Soshifanclub.com
English translations : tama-chan @ jphip
080510 SNSD Fanmeeting
They divided up in half, on the right side was Taeyeon, Tiffany, Hyoyeon and Sooyoung,
But of course I had to look out for Taeny too..
Every time Taeyeon came on the screen, Tiffany just couldn't seem to close her mouth haha I wonder why she was enjoying it so much
And why did she keep touching Taeyeon's arm?
When Fany came on the screen, however, Fany suddenly became shy and Taeyeon couldn't take her eyes off the screen haha
The two of them laughed and clapped so hard together.. You know how Taeyeon always leans on Fany when she's laughing?.. She did it again here haha
At first, Taeyeon had just a white bear, Fany a brown bear, Hyoyeon a white bear with a pink heart, and Sooyoung with a brown bear.
But after she sat down again, Fany saw Hyoyeon's pink heart bear haha
While the other kids were doing their interview, Fany was busy cajoling Hyoyeon to trade bears with her hahahaha
HOWEVER- Sooyoung also wanted Hyoyeon's bear haha
I think Fany wanted Hyoyeon's bear since she lieks pink, and Sooyoung likes hearts so she wanted it (I'm guessing from the Baby Baby mv haha)
Anyways, while the other members were doing their interview hahahaha the two of them were playing rock paper scissors hahahaha
Why wasn't Hyoyeon just the decision maker in this? hahaha
The result? Fany paper, Sooyoung rock... hahaha FANY WINS hahahaha
Finally Fany won the pink bear and she was so content with her self.. she was so cute I wanted to bite her T_T
After this happened, Taeyeon's white bear and Fany's white bear with pink heart looked like couple bears...
Q. There is a guy who is your perfect ideal type. Are you the type to pursue them? Or are you the shy timid type?
Taeyeon: Um.. I haven't confessed yet but, I think in that situation, I would pursue them. My personality isn't really the hesitant type, you see. (Fany: Taeyeon's quite free, isn't she?)
MC: Then is there a member of SNSD that thinks that their face has matured a bit from their young days?
At this, Fany timidly raises her hand haha
MC: Oh really? Our Tiffany?
Fany: Yes~
MC: Where do you think you've matured the most?
Fany: After I debuted, I think I lost alot of baby fat. And I don't think I look young anymore
MC: You look completely young right now..
Fany: It's a bit worrisome these days. That I don't look that young...
Sudden wife appearance! Taeyeon: It's because you're so tired these days. Because of your schedule. Because of your tiring schedule, you can't sleep so you lost alot of baby fat. I used to have a bit of baby fat too
MC: Your personality really is so free and fresh. To say that you had alot of baby fat haha
Taeyeon: I had alot of baby fat but when I started working hard on the SNSD activities, the baby fat seemed to go away
MC: But you two are still young and your ages are still young so show us a cute face one time~
Cover your face with the bear doll and after I saw 1,2,3, lower it and show a cute face hahaha
Wow, Taeny is awesome hahaha
After that, Taeyeon and Fany kept talking about something. No one could hear what those two were talking about.
Here, there was alot of Taeny and Yulsic hahaha
MC: Ah, what are you two talking about?
Fany: No, it's that during that video, Taeyeon did the cute expressions so~~oo well. Right? I think among our members, Taeyeon did it the best.
Cr: sosiz and boxclub @ssf
Yuri’s Birthday
After the soori vs yoonsic battle, Tiffany, who just came back from grabbing 2 packs of clinex, murmured,
"What the heck..."
then a fan shouted to Tiffany "Where did Taeyeon go~ Your wife~"
then Tiffany replied, "she went out to earn money".
Cr: bug @ ssf
August 2008 SNSD 1st Anniversary Fanmeeting
Fany said when she celebrated her bdae yesterday with the members, they already gave her a hit..and she immediately hid...then suddenly Sooyoung smeared some cream onto Fany's nose. Everyone laughed then Taeyeon said to Fany "oh your snot is actually white"
Cr:Kadee @ ssf
Sept 2008 Fan Account at Inkigayo part 2: Happiness
I noticed Fany, giggling, was whispering something to Taeyeon.....lol
After the first recording , Taeny were holding hands as they left.
Cr:Cathode @ ssf
Sept 2008 My 2.5 hour trip to Jeonju with Taeyeon's Mom
Taeyeon's dad said that all 9 girls are very kind and respectful, and their relationship is very close. For Tiffany's case, she would directly call Taeyeon's parents "Dad, Mom"
Cr:lucyz @ssf
TaeNy~090228 GeeDay Fanmeeting & 090301 Inkigayo
cr : oh-taeny.com
english trans : _shikshin @ twitter
Those heartwenching days during Gee promotion period. When she knew that Fany was injured on the 28th, Taeyeon's teary Dear mom performance on Inkigayo (March 1st), was so heartwenching.
-selected Taeny parts in a few fanaccounts-
by 스펀지황 @ sosiz
"The last stage was Gee. Taeyeon wanted fany to sit down throughout the performance because she was worried. But Fany insisted of standing hence in the end, she danced along."
by 스펀지황 @ sosiz
"There was a fan in one of the standing areas shouted 'Today's my birthday' or something along that line, and it prompted Fany to say, "Next week is Taeyeon's birthday!" I think from this week onwards, her mind is filled with Taeyeon's birthday...kekeke"
by myevery @ sosiz
"(After Taeyeon cried..) Fany, who has been sitting on the chair throughout the recording, suddenly stand up and walked towards Taeyeon. Hyoyeon then quickly lent her a helping hand but Fany couldn't go up the stairs because of her injured leg."
09 Inkigayo Recording
Once when she was recording a solo, she did not sing well and she could not reach the high notes. She tried recording it again many times but it was the same. She cried. Everyone was shocked to see Taeng crying. Fany (couldn't walk at that time due to her leg injury) tried to get up and go to where Taeng was but Hyoyeon stopped her because she was not fully recovered from her leg injury. Taeng later said that she didn't do well because she was worrying about someone. (no doubt, it's our mushroom!. TaeNy!
July 2009 Tell Me Your Wish Fan Signing
Fans noticed that Fany's voice was in bad condition. Taeyeon told one of the fans that Tiffany's throat is indeed hurting now so she's being careful.
Cr:soyuri @ssf
[07.15.09] Star On, 10Asia interview behind Y's record
Although Taeyeon is the leader of the group, I can sense that she tries to avoid interview questions unless she thinks that it's necessary for her to step in. Instead of answering interview questions, she was holding a portable mini fan for Sooyoung’s neck and she was fixing Tiffany’s skewed tie
Taeyeon's birthday party, 03.07.10
1st fanaccount
The first one was,
The one with the most cringe inducing moving talk Hwang Mi Young keke (Sooyoung introduced her this way keke)
When Sooyoung introduced her Fany said Taeyeon is even more cringeworthy these days.
She revealed that when Taeyeon texts her, she calls Fany "YePeuni" (Pretty Dear)
Next to her Taengoo then made an uncle laugh heoheo keke
Fany said she was really surprised at the number of candles '22' on the cake.
They grew together like this already and she realized they have spent so much time together
She said let's be together even longer than the time spent so far, and said "I love you".
And feeling embarrassed she did the eye smile keke.
Then she and Taengoo hugged hard.
Cr:Silis @ soompi
2nd fanaccount
I translate this from chinese to english...so it maybe confusing...i failed...
Yesterday I took part in the Taeyeon's birthday party. So far, SME arranged those birthday parties, i did not fail to go once
...Me in particular, love 0.0000001% of the Taeyeon's birthday party...even though the next day was Monday but such reasons is entirely not a problem.
I personally have strong feelings towards Taeyeon & Tiffany while watching their reactions.
I dont know why, when we are singing the bday song Fany sang loudly to the mic , "Why do you born ~"
Of course, since sooyoung started it, but i really did not expect them to sing it and its the full version.
After the cake, there was talk time where each member said something about Taeyeon...fany saw the number 22(candles) & said that she was startled...
after her cringe inducing moving talk to taeyeon, she acts to be very very shy, & took a step backwards.
I think its bcuz her care towards Taeyeon had become so used to it...
Will enable the emotional expressions to be the World's 1st Fany to become wary(the reason is in bold), i thought that Taeyeon to have this character(dont understand) is so sad,
Taeyeon first went over to embrace her Fany...
Fany seems to have no idea(that Taeyeon would hug her)... & they patted each other, Fany then happily said that
"Because this is not on the broadcast so we can do what we want freely (meaning to show skinship towards each other) ~"
Given the position of a leader, taeyeon must be fair & treat every member equally, having the character that does not slip her thoughts to others,
bcuz of some fans that did overly playing the couple games causes misunderstandings (i think misunderstandings is etc. taeyeon only cares too much for fany in broadcast which seems like they didnt care for other members (in the old days)) and Taeyeon is very sad bcuz of it.
(not about taeny so i didnt translate)
bcuz its on broadcast, fany deliberately restrained to show skinships?(etc. hug,sweet talks like they used to) towards taeyeon. it should be grateful that fany thinks about taeyeon, but fany having to be more straightforward & shows a lot of emotional character must be hard to restrain it.
(not about taeny so i didnt translate)
hope that Taeyeon can express herself more to people & members to understand her~
& Dont just send text messages to the Fany calling her yepeuni, also to the other members (the writer's feelings, i didnt feel it that way though

(not about taeny so i didnt translate) :ENDS:
credits:By myevery @ sosiz
translate(chinese) By Taenywow @ Oh-TaeNy (English)SNSD’TaeNy @ ssf
Another version of the 2nd fanaccount
"I attended Taeyeon's birthday party ytd. And I attended every single birthday parties that the company had organised. ^^;; Especially my bias, Taeyeon's birthday party. The next day is Monday but that's not a problem to me. ㅠㅠ
I think alot of touching and interesting fanaccounts are already being posted...^^; But to me, I was deeply emotional about Taeny moments. I have no idea why but during the birthday song, Fany sang, "Why were you born~" Of course it was Sooyoung who initiated it first but I never thought that Fany would really sang it. keke. Moreover it's a full version.
After that, it's mushy time...The kid was taken aback when she saw the number 22 on the cake. Everybody was done with their appreciation talking to Taeyeon but Taeyeon was looking very shy and even retreated a step. I think this kind of care for Taeyeon is already became like a habit. Even Fany, who is full of emotions, became very cautious and was feeling sad because of Taeyeon's personality.
Taeyeon walked towards Fany and gave her a hug. That moment still lingers in my mind. Fany never thought that Taeyeon would do that. The both of them pat each other's back and Fany happily said, "Because it is not going to be broadcasted so I can do whatever I like."
The responsiblity of a leader is to give a fair amount of care to each and every member but Taeyeon was feeling disheartened when some of the fans actually misunderstood Taeyeon's intention (t/n: that means that when she showed more care to another member, fans would go crazy about this pairing.) because of their "overprotective" couple pairings game. So that was why she hardly expresses herself nowadays even if she has any fears or frustrations.
Thus she became restless and do not like to express herself. At that point of time, as a fan, I was feeling hurt. This was because fans are only able to see their interations through the broadcast of the shows so no matter how well we know that the nine of them actually love each other very much, but if we didnt saw it, we wouldnt be able to feel it, isnt it?
Taeyeon doesn't wish to be like this but that's all she can do and she felt very apologetic towards her members...Although I'm not sure what had happened after last year's concerts, not long ago, on the radio show, she said that, "I want to take care of each and every member's birthday" and it was not a joke, she really wanted to change her attitude. I wonder was it because she wants to confirm her determination so she said that?
Even though I'm her fan, I really have no idea Taeyeon was actually thinking about that and was hoping to change her attitude. It was because from the beginning, no matter how hard the kids tried to ask Taeyeon to open her heart, she just laughs and that's it. We thought that it was because that is her personality and as long as the other 8 of them understand her more, or to tolerate her more, it would be fine. But now she is very determined and is working hard to change. I'm very thankful that she talked about this at the birthday party where both the members and the fans attended. And also thanks to other members who always stay by Taeyeon's side.
Especially Fany, who always suppressed her feelings towards Taeyeon because of Taeyeon's personality. Fany's personality is so straightforward and is full emotions...I wonder how much must she tolerates...
So I'm very thankful to Fany; Maknae, who always worry about her leader unnie's health and other members who always give moral support and understand her predicament as the leader of the group. Taeyeon is really a blessed kid that she has 8 friends who are like her real family members. ^^ To be honest, I'm so jealous of their close relationship and their love for one another.
I want to know more about Taeyeon since she has changed~ wasn't the other members also does not understand Taeyeon that well too? Actually I wanted to give Taeyeon a birthday present but I have no idea what does she like ㅠㅠ Taeyeon likes red bean, gummies, coffee...why it's all about food... ㅠㅠ
Hope that our Taeyeon expresses herself more so as to let others to understand more about her~ and also try to talk to your members more often about your feelings... ^^ Don't always send cute message to Fany only...to other kids too...ㅋㅋ
Her actual birthday is tmr so I hope that tmr she can receive lots of love ^^
I was kind of blur when writing this fanaccount. Maybe this is what I called, Happiness. I received a gift called happiness from the kids yesterday ㅠㅠ But my return gift for them is only a fan letter... ㅠㅠ
But I'm still your zzang fan Taeyeon ahh ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I wish you an advance Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!! >_< And thanks to Taengoo's parents; brother and sister too ㅠㅠ
cr. myevery @ sosiz/Taenywow @ Oh-TaeNy
2009's interview
Qn: "Sometimes you guys can feel fans'excessive concerns/love right? So do you guys ever imagine that what's your role to other members?"
Sooyoung: "I saw it alot. It's called Couple (pairings) thing."
Taeyeon: "I'm also aware of it. Taeyeon-Tiffany is called TaeNy. We were just carrying out our promotions activities in a comfortable way. It's just that the fans added some significant meanings to it when they saw those actions in the pics that were being captured."
Qn: "So do you guys ever felt flustered because of that (couple thing)?"
Taeyeon: "It seems like the fans are too sensitive about what are our feelings today. (t/n: for example like if Tae is looking sad during a performance, fans would assume that she and Fany had a quarrel or something like that.) It's all assumptions made by the fans because the fans would never understand the true meaning behind our feelings if they don't even tried to have a conversation with us."
cr. myevery @ sosiz/Taenywow @ Oh-TaeNy Trans: _shikshin@twitter
1st fanaccount:
snsd 6 members went to a restaurant. at the restaurant, they went about with their sitting arrangments.
hyoyeon was messaging and tiffany had chopsticks and spoon in her hand and her mood was really good.
and beside tiffany, taeyeon was scooping food for her.
*another trans
6 members of SNSD were at a restaurant(?). At the restaurant, they sat in a "ㄷ" position, Hyoyeon was texting.
Tiffany was holding utensils looking very happy.
Taeyeon was sitting beside Tiffany putting food into Tiffany's bowl.
*another trans
After that photoshoot for Genie the girls had meal at this restaurant. While other members were eating Taeyeon didn't eat and waited for Tiffany. When Tiffany came Taeyeon ordered and split a bowl of jjajang noodles with Fany.
(*jjajang = Chinese-Korean black bean sauce)
cr:bigonggae trans: silis @ soompi
2nd fanaccount:
while as trainees, everyone was practicing for the showcase, the choreography required them to dance in-sync
but tiffany kept making mistakes.
one of the members couldnt tolerate and were very angry at her
for the sake of teaching tiffany, often taeyeon had to stay back at the practice room till late.
*another trans
During their training period, they had a showcase and need the dance to be in-sync.
But Tiffany kept making mistakes.. One of the kids couldn't take it and seemed like she got angry.
To teach Tiffany, Taeyeon often practiced till late.
3rd fanaccount:
there was an event at the ski place.
when the girls reached the the ski place, they all had on their respective warm clothing.
while walking to the stage, tiffany, who was in clothes that were thinner said "oh, cold. really cold."
taeyeon who was other girls to the stage heard her and said "fany ah, you cold? come here."
and took off her jacket and approached tiffany, of coz, tiffany ran over and hugged taeyeon.
*another trans
They had an event at the ice-skating rink(?). At the rink, the girls were wearing clothes that kept them warm.
While walking to the stage, Tiffany who was wearing something thin said "Ah cold, very cold"
Taeyeon who was leading the girls to the stage heard it and said "Fany ah, are you cold? Come here."
After that, Taeyeon unzipped her jacket walking towards Tiffany, of course Tiffany ran into Taeyeon's arms.
4th fanaccount:
taeyeon's hometown is jeonju.
there was a day, she met up with friends who she hasnt seen in a long time.
they chatted and during the process, naturally, they're talk about snsd.
one of taeyeon's friend said that tiffany is the type of girl that makes him wanna protect.
when taeyeon heard, she said "no need. if that's so, i'm already taking good care of her."
definitely taeny!
*another trans
Taeyeon's hometown is in JeonJu..One day in JeonJu she met friends that she haven't met in awhile..
While chatting they naturally started talking about SNSD.
One of her friends said Tiffany is someone who makes people want to protect her.
When Taeyeon heard this, she said, "Don't need to, cause I'm already protecting Tiffany." Of course it's TaeNy!
5th fanaccount:
when each member has a different schedule, they have to be seperated into different cars. although, unclear when it is,
there was once, taeyeon and tiffany had different schedules and had to be split from each other, tiffany was rushing to get on the car when taeyeon
shouted from the back, "TIFFANY!". tiffany turned around and saw taeyeon with one hand holding onto her cellphone, and the other hand pounding onto the phone gesturing her that she(TY) was going to send a message or to call tiffany.
*another trans
People with different schedules will take a different car, although I don't know when
there was once, Taeyeon & Tiffany had different schedules, Tiffany hurridly got onto the car
At this time, Taeyeon shouted "Tiffany!!" from behind, Tiffany turned around
Taeyeon was holding her phone on one hand, the other hand gesturing towards her phone
It's to tell her to call/text her..
6th fanaccount:
the remaining 4 members, taeyeon, miyoung, yoong and sungyu, hasnt gotten on the car. taeyeon faced the fans on the side and greeted them.
after coming out, while waiting for another car,
something went into miyoung's eyes and taeyeon kept helping her rub her them.
probably by constantly rubbing, whatever that went in will come out?
*another trans
Taeyeon, Tiffany, (someone) & (someone), 4 of them were left behind because they couldn't get up the car, Taeyeon was greeting the fans(?), after they came out there was another car out there waiting for them, at this time TaeNy!!!
Something went into Tiffany's eye and Taeyeon was helping Tiffany rub her eye, I think it didn't come out so she kept rubbing it?
Trans: basket24 @ssf , Valim @ ssf
TaeNyHyun(Happy Family!

And lastly tonight few hours ago Taeyeon, Tiffany and Seohyun came to a Baskin Robbins shop. The employee posted an account:
"Just a minute ago Taeyeon Tiffany Seohyun and their manager came to our shop TT TT
Totally pretty, and their voices kekeke so pretty...
Each of them insisted on paying then finally Taeyeon paid and they bought two Family sizes...
Taeyeon did the ordering and Tiffany and Seohyun were talking about what they wanted, Tiffany called someone and they added Rainbow Sherbet too...
Chin Chin radio was on in the store and it was really cool to see Taeyeon right in front as her voice was coming on radio...
The other employee was just frozen stiff all along then asked for autograph when they were exiting but the manager stopped him... The girls were sorry and they yelled for us 'Hope you have great business, hwaiting!!'
cr: silis7noy2@soompi
TaeNy @ Fansigning Event April 2010
Hyoyeon, yuri, and sunny walked off, but taeyeon and tiffany found themselves still on the stage. Taeyeon grabbed the mic again, and said "I SAY SONYU...YOU SAY SHIDAE!
tae: SONYU
*crowd cheers*
Taeyeon and Tiffany smile wide and then do a side hug, and walk off the stage like that. Tiffany says something into Taeyeon's ear, and they both laugh."
After fansign, the girls talked a little bit to fans.
Fany asked us, "do you guys like RDR?"
we replied, "yeah! its daebak!",
Fany," thats it! RDR is daebak!" then suddenly Taeyeon interrupted her by saying,"but i like Echo more hahaahaha [her ajusshi laugh >.<]"
Fany looked at Taeyeon and making funny face while her hand jokingly want to punch Taeyeon lol. luckily they didnt stand next to each other,
if not.. Taeyeon might be in trouble lol ^^;;;
cr : 구너조아